Lately I've been curious about the idea of self-publishing. I haven't been curious in a "Should I publish my own book?" way, but more of a "Why is everyone against it?". In one of my classes last year, a fellow student was talking about a book she read and how she really liked it until she found out it was self-published. At that point in her conversation, her voice took on a snide tone and everything that followed was all the overly hateful criticisms. It's almost like the word in itself has become derogatory. It's the relative of published books that everyone talks about after they leave the family get-together. I myself, have been drawn towards these new self-published books (mainly because they are pretty cheap). While I will admit there are a lot of not so great books, every once in a while you find a pretty awesome one. I guess what I'm trying to get at is, what about self-publishing adds a different twist to the book? Is it the idea that there are bound to be a couple grammar and editing mistakes? Or are self-published books just not as good?